To the method of study of preparations that are often used in anesthetic prac-tice for surgical interventions in small animals

Keywords: anesthesia, propofol, ketamine, medetomedine, butorphanol, sleep, myorelaxation, analgesia


A review of the literature on the study of medicines that is often used in anesthetic practice for surgical interventions in small animals is made. A large arsenal of pharmacological agents and the possibility of their use in various combinations now allow the use of a variety of anesthetic methods. The choice of the method of anesthesia should correspond, above all, to the patient, as well as the nature and duration of the planned operation. As a matter of fact, an anesthetic method should be used to ensure maximum animal safety. It is known that in order to provide effective anesthesia you need: sleep, muscle relaxation (relaxation of muscles), analgesia (anesthesia). To ensure of these three requirements, a number of preparations are used: propofol, ketamine (dissociative anesthetics: zoletil-tieletamine hydrochloride, zelozepam hydrochloride), alpha-2 antagonists – xylazine (xylan, sedacil, sedazin, meditin), opioids (fentanyl, morphine, butorphanol). The characteristic of preparations propofol, ketamine, medetomedine, butorphanol is given. In view of the foregoing, we conclude that a large number of medicinal products are used in operative interventions in estheological practice. However, it is important to emphasize that only a combination of the above preparations among ourselves can provide effective anesthesia, which will increase the analgesic action, reduce the toxicity of these preparations and faster wound healing and recovery.


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How to Cite
Nazaruk, N. (2018). To the method of study of preparations that are often used in anesthetic prac-tice for surgical interventions in small animals. Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Veterinary Sciences, 20(92), 218-221.

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